Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Inside the Folds

Today I realized that I had to build some sort of a mini "architecture" for one of my classes. Architecture was loosely defined as something that a marble could make a home in. I figured I should probably be more creative then rolling up a piece of paper and putting another one flat on top and calling it an Indian hut so I Google'd origami architecture and set out on a search. As amazing as I truly am, I decided that something like this was out of the question..

So I went to a children's how to origami web site. At first I went with an origami cup that looked something like this. I was going to flip it upside down and call it an Indian hut,

But I came to the conclusion that my poor Indian marble would get cold and rained on in this pathetic excuse for a home so I settled on a box with a lid! I found an oddly extreme amount of satisfaction in folding these awesome animal printed papers into a box and a lid!

 I was also very pleased that the lid actually fit. Look at me go!!!

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